It is a continue of farewell for sakai, or I should say this is another farewell gathering for Ting. This is because some of them (Kenneth and Jane) do not attend on that day.
Thus, this time we’re going to give Ting a bigger farewell gathering. The day before, we had decided to have Dim Sum with Ting at 7am, but due to some problem, we had changed the time to 10.30am which is too late for Dim Sum, so changed the location to New Jusco.
We reached there around 10.45am, and started to find for place to have gathering. FIY, we really have no idea what to eat that time coz New Jusco has many variety of delicious food. *headache*
After one hour, we had finally chosen Ajisen Ramen for our breakfast.
As a super addicted-blogging-person, my job is to capture the photo all sort of thingy in the shop.
For example,
The free ice-cream from the worker who is Jane's friend. Kenneth said it tastes like medicine! I never try it, so no comment on it. *shy*
After we have finish our Ramen, Ting left over some fried pork coz according to her, she is damn full after finished up the ramen soup.
We're going to eat it of coz, but with different way!!!
Everyone of us need to play a kind of game which is so called scissor paper stone game. (I know we're quite childish, but it is damn fun. *no kidding*)
Each person will give a rule of the game, for example, if I said the second person who out from the game need to eat that piece of pork which had added some special spices in, so the second person who out the game need to eat it!! It is damn excited loh, coz you will never know when you will be the second!
And the end outcome will be something like this. FULL OF ALL SORT OF SPICES!! Yucks..
The most cruel thingy was when Kenneth keeps adding the chili oil on the fried pork! OMG! Can you believe chili oil...Yuck...
However, we've fun after all the yucky stuff. *smile*
The most cruel thingy was when Kenneth keeps adding the chili oil on the fried pork! OMG! Can you believe chili oil...Yuck...
However, we've fun after all the yucky stuff. *smile*
Around 12pm, Jane need to pack up to Cyber, so we ended our farewell gathering for Ting!
Before that, we have some photo of coz..
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