Gathering again!
Holiday is for us to gather and hang out together, agree?
Thus, this time we have class gathering again at Mahkota Parade!
However, this time many of them didn’t attend, quite disappointed. We had our gathering at Pizza hut, great good! I love Pizza so much…..
When we went Pizza Hut, the girl asked us to wait for 15 minutes, so Jennifer, sis (my sis went to the gathering with me) and I went shopping around in Mahkota Parade. It's been so long 3 of us get to shop together.
We went Basin Robin to get the PINK balloon! Cute Max!

That day was Pink day so Baskin Robin gave us a Pink balloon and it states
SHOW ME PINK! So cute..
Jennifer and I have a battle, if I dare to take this pink balloon to Pizza Hut, I win!!

I brought it into Pizza hut and played with it happily. WAHAHA....

The best thing about mirror it is we can have reflection photo! Yeah~

Show US
Yeah! Me and the fisherman, Love Fish king Pizza... Yum Yum! I will get it the next time too.

Hawaii supreme.

Fish Pizza. It taste different with the previous Pizza I ate. *Disappointed*
Camwhore time!

Su ann and me! Love this, but the photo quite blury.

Me and my sis! Long time didn't camwhore with my sis.

I'm trying the pizza, quite disappointed. *sad* I'm quite full after 2 big piece of pizza.

Wang, Andrew and Wee kee went to get some salad. We got surprise that these 3 guys love vegetable so much, coz most of guys were so anti-vegetable including my dad and bro. *sweat* They took a lot of salad instead of just fruit.

This is just half of it, and they gonna add in more. OMG! This is so much, myself didn't eat that much too. *shy*

The end product! OMG! This is really a lot, I can't stand the bean. It looks digusting, but they enjoy!

Have a photo with them. Opps, the yellow guy was not included in the salad gang! WAHAHA...

Group photo take 1 using Tak Jie's camera. Did you notice the reflection of the mirror! That's the meaning of group photo. =.=lll

Group photo take 2 using my camera! yeah!

Jennifer and I wear the same purple T. We didn't ask each other to do it together, it's just coincident. When I wore the T, I said to my sis that I hope Jennifer wear the same T, who knows she really wear this T. *happy*
After that we went for bowling, no photo due to busy playing. *laughing*
Oh yeah! My sis went back to baskin Robin to get her ice-cream.

Mint and rasberry cheese yogurt ice cream. I love the rasberry cheese yogurt a lot. Yum Yum
We end our gathering just like that, nothing much....
PS: Pray for my result.
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