Not to be outdated, so I played this game with them too, it was fun IF you are in good mood and you are smart for sure. IF you aren’t smart like some others genius, you may find it bored to play with. Thus, for me (stupid representer) find it bored to play with, coz I aren’t good gamer.
In this game, you may fun and bored at the same time, but you may try it too when you find nothing to do. WAHAHA…
What I do when I’m bored?
This is what I do, Print screen! WAHAHA…

Loading......63% It is so slow to go in to the game! I just have a few game with them and then feel bored after play it. *complicated feeling*

Then START game...
As the game name Guess The Sketch! It means what we sketch need to be guess! WTH? I've a low explanation skill, need to improve next time.
First game!

Second game!!

Third game
I aren't lucky anymore, coz I had just beat one user and get 18 point which is super low point I get.
This time my turn to draw. I finally got chance to draw, so let's guess what I'm drawing, people!!
Please try your best! Answer will be disclose after this......

Forth game!

Please try your best! Answer will be disclose after this......
WAHAHAHA.....People, do you guess the right answer?? If you do, you are genius!! WAHAHAH...
PS: I can't stop laughing when I drew this picture coz I keep making funny sound while I was drawing the picture. Freaking funny.
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