Good bye 2009 and welcome 2010!!!!!
Today is the last day for 2009, 31-12-2009. There is no 2009 after today, let’s us welcome the New Year 2010!!
2009 is where I started my degree and end my foundation. This year was the remarkable year ever; I had met a lot of new friends, the separation with my foundation buddy and the birthday celebration of mine. Everything changes so tremendously, as I had mentioned on my birthday post.
So now let’s us welcome 2010 year!! The brand new year for us!
I need to make some resolution for this brand new year.
First- I should achieve a good result in 2010
Second- make more friends!
Third- be a healthy baby! (Although I’m a healthy baby now)
Fourth- recycle more! (Wahaha)
That’s all. I have many resolutions actually, but somehow now I have no idea to write it. So just have four of it. My resolution is kinda boring, so just ignore if you have not interested on.
I should say good bye 2009 and welcome 2010!!
I LOVE YOU!! 2009 rock ever!
Today is the last day for 2009, 31-12-2009. There is no 2009 after today, let’s us welcome the New Year 2010!!
2009 is where I started my degree and end my foundation. This year was the remarkable year ever; I had met a lot of new friends, the separation with my foundation buddy and the birthday celebration of mine. Everything changes so tremendously, as I had mentioned on my birthday post.
So now let’s us welcome 2010 year!! The brand new year for us!
I need to make some resolution for this brand new year.
First- I should achieve a good result in 2010
Second- make more friends!
Third- be a healthy baby! (Although I’m a healthy baby now)
Fourth- recycle more! (Wahaha)
That’s all. I have many resolutions actually, but somehow now I have no idea to write it. So just have four of it. My resolution is kinda boring, so just ignore if you have not interested on.
I should say good bye 2009 and welcome 2010!!
I LOVE YOU!! 2009 rock ever!
Happy New Year people!
PS: I’m going to mom’s friend birthday now and have countdown at there.
Ciao! People!