Monday, April 1, 2013

Blossom weekend


I'm here again after a wonderful weekend with cousins. As I said, little boys were coming back last week, so this is it! They came back and we have lots of fun. We went back uncle place to have some fun. 

On our way to our uncle house, we packed all the food and cake (for praying if you want to know) to the car and voom to the place. The little cousins packed their U pillow in case they need sleep. Ha! The fact is they are going to play with it! Madly cute!

I was sitting straight up there, and one thing hit me, and look what they have done with the pillow? 

A lion!

They were so cute, they use this U pillow and put on their head, and said look! 

This little one was so cute, he asked his mom whether this is a lion or tiger? And insist me to capture this for the prove. HAHAHA! How cute is that.

Proudly present his lion head to me!

Photoboomed by his big brother!

Camwhore before we reach uncle place. HAHAHA! How happy they are.

PS: I was watching TV, and yet to finish this.

Continue the blossom weekend.
So, we went to uncle place to have lunch together in a super Hot day! I mean seriously, today is hot too, but yesterday was BOOM! Freaking dam hot, I bathed thrice in a day, scary!

Well, that's not the point, my point is we went uncle place to have lunch together, and enjoy their garden a lot. Auntie has the hand of gardening, what she planted will turn out gorgeously. 

It's spring now! As you all know, we, Malaysian don't enjoy the four season except for summer, but we did enjoy the flower bloom during the spring. One of the my blog entry has shown the flower bloomed only this time. 
So called the bird flower, and momi love this a lot, and it does look like a bird in someway. Honestly, I doesn't know the name of it, in case some of you know what is it, tell me please! *cute face*

Yellow bouganvilla 

The pink one which I love the most. I'm pinkaholic as you always know!

The red one! It is too common to be seen. Hehe!

Flower blooming everywhere in the garden, and frankly speaking this bloom everyday. No big deal, but I seldom have the chance to enjoy this because it wouldn't be so overwhelming in my house. We don't have hand of gardening you see!

The lovely pink lily flower! Does it look gorgeous? It was really awesome to enjoy the garden, but not the WEATHER!

PS: I was sweating while capturing all these gorgeous picture.
Another type of bird flower in the middle of the garden! Ha!

After visiting the garden, we, the lamest cousins on earth were measuring our foot in the middle of the car porch. It was freaking funny to see whose leg is bigger or longer or whatsoever!
The little cousins were laughing on our lamest act and they came out another dance just to make us laugh harder!

Dancing flash-pa Gangnam style!

Well, it supposed to be Oppa Gangnam Style, but the big brother insist to be Flash-pa Gangnam Style. HAHAHA! How funny is that? Y they named Flash-pa Gangnam style? Because they were telling a story of Flash... and all of the sudden they showed me the dance of Flash-pa Gangnam Style!

Silly joke anyway!

By the way, they taught about the cousin hand shake which also taught by their cousin as well! Show you in case I got to film it someday!
Alright! This is what we found while "touring" on auntie working place, a bunny hat! Sis cousin had this while she was a kid, and auntie doesn't want to throw away til now. This is an appreciation gift from their aunt I guess!

We were "touring" in my auntie working place, and sis cousin was so cute to ask auntie to show me how the process of cutting the wire (because I want to capture the process). Auntie job is to cut the wire, and shape it to be sold (if you are interested).
Auntie said this big bundle of wires weight 50kg! Omg, this really heavy.

The cutter for the wires!

And cut cut cut until it is finish. The work is really tedious I must say!

50 kg x 2! 

The cutting machine which auntie boss created! How creative is this!

The length of the wires can be adjust according, and the machine can been bend in case it is not in use. Creative thinking huh!

The unused chair for the wire to lay down smoothly! Basically the chair is just to put the cut wire, that's all. Nothing special, but still creative to think about that. Good job, boss!

They have a so called wires shape machine as well, ok, it is not exactly a machine but it is useful, and quicker for auntie to bend all the wire in no time. (no picture provided, because I'm so hot to stay there anymore *rolling eyes*)

A tour in gardening of my uncle place was quite fun, and you know what I played the old-school game with the cousins. Guess what? A teacher and student game, and you're wrong! I'm not the teacher, the little one did!

He was so goddamn cute, and insist us to go in to the hottest room, and started the game immediately after we settled down. We were like making fun of him, teasing, laughing and etc in the room, and when we came out from that room, thank god! We are surviving! It was freaking hot inside, around 38 degrees, I guess! Small room with only one stand fan ain't working in that room, but still we were so happy there.

I was really happy yesterday, and today as well because I'm watching TV like nobody right now. Free channel has been given to us, and yes! No update until the show end.

PS: Can't wait to meet tomo again!

Random update:
Omg! Today weather gone up to 37.5 degrees, wth? What is the purpose of bathing because I'm sweating after I came out from the bath room. Quite silly!!

Anyway, Happy April Fool to all of you! Do you get prank by anyone??

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