Monday, December 17, 2012

Once in a life time Twenty-two

Was happy today because it is my BIRTHDAY! 

Happy Twenty-two birthday to myself, and 5th anniversary to my blog!
Woohoo! I've blogging for 5 years which is unexpected! Because I wouldn't do anything more than a year and yet I've bloggged for FIVE freaking years! 

Anyway, thank to my buddies who celebrated my birthday earlier.
They came to my house, and gave me a big surprise!!!

I'll blog more on the next entry.

And thank to my family! 
 They celebrated my birthday on last Saturday, and uncle, aunty purposely came back for my birthday. *touched* Furthermore, they gave me a present which I always find for it. A LAPTOP BAG!! They always remember what I want (not to forget the buddies too)

Wishing a good year for me! 
Spot the pink wrappers and the letters? That's from my uncle, aunty and cousins. The little cousins wrote me some letter as well. Mad cute!

Before that, we decorate the Christmas tree with cousins! 

 Our Christmas tree of the year!

2 more hours to end my big day, and challenging day begin tomorrow. I wish I can get high grade in my exam, and have a great year onward!

PS: I felt so grateful to have such a great family and friends, and I'm thankful for all the celebration and wishes from Facebook! You guys are the greatest!!! <3 p="p">