Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Update : VERY RANDOM!


I'm here again after hanging around at my cousins place. I was quite relax today as my senior gone to client's place, and I stayed alone in the office with bunch of good friends. I quite lazy today, and most of the job was done easily without thinking. So good you know!!

Anyway, tomorrow gonna be a tough one as I might be going to the client's place. Sigh!!

Tomorrow is Friday, which mean TGIF and should be very relax after tomorrow. I'm so happy because I'll be back to hometown (sound weird when I said hometown coz this usually don't happened to me, but now emmm) tomorrow with sis. I felt like so long I left the house, and I'm pretty sure that momi miss me a lot. Ha!

Oh ya! I'm going for medical check up tomorrow because as a new employees, we need to do medical check up..bla bla bla.. One of the HR colleague told me that I MUST DO IT BY TOMORROW!!! Gosh! I've no time to do all this as my senior sure won't let me do so, but with the email, I CAN!


Alright! Just a short random update here. Gonna enjoy my running man before go to bed!

PS: Owner not at home again! I'm so happy


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