2 days on leave was the best days ever as I got to attend my besties wedding and BACK TO SCHOOL!
It's been one year I'd graduated, and I didn't back to MMU since then. It was kind ot memorable as it was full of my university memories such as the library thought I only fully utilised when I'm in my last semester, faculty where I used to settle some course registration thingy (frustrated moment), finance division, exam unit, friends that I met during my uni life and those who actually I knew since secondary, etc.
Well, this is it! Back to school is kind of like back to home but I breach the rule of wearing shorts to school. Got so scared of people looking at me, the guard , the lecture as well as the new students! Don't learn my fellow juniors, bad example I knew!
Ps: My friends didn't tell me that they need to go to MMU to settle their things, in conclusion I break the rule. Lol
I didn't stay at there because I'm momi girl lol. I stayed at home ok?
We got so excited on this new hall built after we had graduated from here. Lol
What the point of exciting tho? We are not going to use it anyway. T.T
Ps: I changed my basic phone to LG Nexus 5 finally! With pink case woohoo!
Camwhore with the new hall in MMU!
Nah! Bluff you. I just tip toes and I'm taller.. thanks to camerawoman Jennifer!
After a day in MMU, I got so tired and decided not to go back KL that day. Hehe! Kind of excited to stay in my hometown Melaka, historical place for that day.
Drove back the next day morning, and back to work!
So sad and tired.
Emotional feeling. From KL to Melaka to attend wedding and gathering with friends for two days then back to KL for work another two days, then weekend already ahead!
So fast yet so excited and emotional feeling
Momi and papa is here at KL for cousin birthday celebration, imma not looking forward for next working week lol.
Ps: exam is next week, and I yet to study goshhhhh!😔