Today is another day, a web series from Wong Fu Production, YouTuber that I used to love so much.
So yes! Today is another day.
Another day that I wished to come again, another day that I wished to go back again, another day that I wished things will be the same again.
Something that goes on in my mind quite a long time, I wished to go back again. Back to the self that I don't care on something I don't wish to mention, back to the happy me! (Although I'm quite happy now but something just gone that I couldn't get back anymore, no! not giving up on overseas job teehee).
I'm grateful as what I'm having now, just something that I lose make me sad sometimes. Trying to forget about it but it pop out every single day just to remind me. Why it wouldn't disappear as what I wish?
Some of them said times will flush everything away but it's been a year and still not going away from my mind! Why?
I guess that's a life that I don't know how to solve. Today is another day? Yeap! Every day try to forget and today is another day to remember.
I guess that's what my mind try to tell myself not to forget but why?
Fortunately, I am still have friends around to overcome this. 2019! I know you will be better!
A year has passed...and I wish to have something good happened again!
I love you! 2019